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LED Props

LED Props

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SMART LED ribbon pro.
Review(s): 0

SMART LED ribbon pro.

Price RUB0.00

Gymnastics ribbon is designed so that the whole system is located on the ribbon itself and does not interact with the stick. The ribbon is attached to the stick on the carabiner and with the help of a swivel it turns in the same way as the original one.

Gymnastics Ribbon
Review(s): 0

Gymnastics Ribbon

Price RUB0.00

Gymnastics ribbon is designed so that the whole system is located on the ribbon itself and does not interact with the stick. The ribbon is attached to the stick on the carabiner and with the help of a swivel it turns in the same way as the original one.

Review(s): 0


Price RUB0.00

Such an accessory as laser gloves will successfully merge into any program or become an exciting LED toy.

Just put a glove on your hand and turn it on.

Chandelier (WATER FLOWER)
Review(s): 0

Chandelier (WATER FLOWER)

Price RUB0.00

Chandelier is a unique prop of its kind. We have created a LED variation of the “water flower”, keeping the dynamics and features of this prop. This prop consists of a hoop, from which the garlands of LEDs and beads come out.

SMART LED Veil fans...
Review(s): 0

SMART LED Veil fans “Starlight Night”...

Price RUB0.00

This model is a programmable variation of veil fans “Starlight Night”. Programmable LEDs are located on the entire surface of the fabric, practically without weighing it down and maintaining the airy effect of silk.

In this section LED props are presented.

All our props are author`s. It was developed in our studio and many of props are unique throughout the world.

The main feature of our props is it`s fabric base. Since the lightness and volatility of the fabric is the most important capacity for the props of this kind, we designed the LED system so that the fabric increases in weight minimally and retains all its features.

All our LED props are hand made and do not include harvested elements of garlands: each light-emitting diode is soldered by hand.

1 year warranty on all products.